1. Call to Order
Ray called to order at 7:03 PM.
Pat agreed to take minutes tonight.
2. Roll Call
Five present (quorum met)
Ray (President)
Tom (Vice President)
Pat (Treasurer)
Two absent
Tough availability in the coming months.
Elizabeth (Communications Chair)
Gus Breymann
3. Approval of Previous Meeting Minutes
Pat noted October minutes were forwarded this afternoon.
Ray motioned to approve. Tom seconded. Jean voted in approval. Mike abstained as he had not read the minutes.
4. Member Comments
Gus thanked the board for their work on community involvement and events over the past few years.
5. Officer/Committee Reports
Votes (Moving forward in the agenda.)
ACCE/lot line debacle
Questions have come up regarding encroachment on HOA property. The neighbor appears to be about 8 ft. over the property line.
The HOA has three options:
Release/cede the walkway to the neighbors;
Hold the property and have the fence moved; or
Do nothing…
Zoom vs Teams
Currently using Teams through Ray, but Pat asked if we want to consider Zoom next year? (There is currently a discount on annual licenses.)
Holding off until the new board comes in, then we will weigh options.
No reports.
Vice President
No reports other than ACCE.
May coincide with ballots, depending on availability.
July minutes?
Pat responded. Minutes were taken by the former secretary and do not appear to have been saved or forwarded prior to her leaving (if the minutes were taken at all). He will check the shared drive.
Pictures and committees
Confirmed roles and committees
Ray, Pres, February 2024
Tom, VP, February 2024
Jean, February 2024
ACCE and Welcoming
Pat, Treasurer, February 2026
Events, Maintenance, and Welcoming
Mike, February 2026
George, February 2026
Kristen, Communications
Originally filled remainder of Monica’s term (February 2024), but will officially run for the board on 2024 ballot (February 2027).
Mailer for the playground (special assessment).
Pat agreed a mailer in the 2024 dues assessment and ballots should be possible - and likely necessary to comply with special assessment announcements/processes within the bylaws.
Pat also noted on quorum for the playground; quorum initially constitutes 60% of members (243, 60% of 407), then decreases by half each subsequent meeting.
Second meeting, if needed, has a quorum of 122, the third is 61, and so on and so forth… (There is no minimum stated.)
The special assessment must pass by 3/4 vote and be collected/used that year.
Additionally, members represented by proxy (and votes cast via proxy) must be taken into consideration.
A meeting is still required, but members voting via proxy are counted as present via proxy (and would be counted toward quorum).
There is no language barring an individual from voting via proxy on this matter and should allow for either mailed votes or some sort of poll. (Though the email or poll would need to be reset each time a vote is called, unless there is language in place to automatically apply the same preference in future votes.)
Maintenance - Mike
Storm clean-up
Waited on purpose for tree companies to clear their schedules. Now getting quotes and we can make decisions via email.
Sandlewood and the Briarwood Nature Park.
Outlot F; parallel to Kinowa Dr, runs to Belding/Binghampton.
Vote on larger debris and safety hazards
Ray made a motion to arrange for cleanup of debris in the nature park.
Mike seconded. Pat in favor.
Tom and Jean abstained, questioning the meaning of “debris.”
Pat suggested getting pictures of the specific areas/debris. Mike said he would work on getting some pictures and sending them to the board. We can hold another vote via email or text, if need be.
Current balance
Pat is working to resolve the QB report balance. The unmatched/unreviewed transactions noted in September have been resolved, but he still needs to remove duplicate transactions from PayPal and confirm true starting balances (which is preventing reconciliation).
Account balances $###
Checking $###
Savings $###
QB Checking $###
PayPal $###
Events - Pat
Halloween Kickoff
Good turnout, considering the weather
Went through about half of the donuts, cider, and apples. One box of donuts and one gallon of cider donated to Meridian PD and Hiawatha Elementary staff, each.
Food trucks
Taqueria Monarca - 10/31/23 from 4:30 - 6:00 (Halloween Kickoff)
Great feedback from Taqueria Monarca, very positive and pleased with neighborhood turnout (again). They look forward to returning in 2024.
There is a trailer that is parked on Belding Ct again;, ACCE will monitor and follow up as needed.
Shed (Brendan) - 10x10 was approved
Mike questioned language, location
Tom said the language only forbids front yard; side lots have been approved in the past.
Asked if the shed guidelines can be shared. Pat said he would get that for him.
Belding cut through
Mike believes there is encroachment (by one or both neighboring lots)
20 ft easement for outlot
Flagrant disregard for boundaries
He will check lines and monitor the situation.
Welcoming - Jean
No report
6. New Business
Mike asked Elizabeth if we can do an electronic signup.
Ray is willing to have them at his residence.
Monica will deliver to Pat this weekend, he will put them in the shed.
7. Old Business
Nominating committee.
Jean again noted concerns regarding security and following bylaws. Pat said that he would hold any returned ballots and they will find a time to open/count in January.
Terms coming up in February 2024…
Kristen has expressed in joining the board “proper.”
Jean is willing to return for a one-year term, but cannot commit to three-year.
Tom is not interested in returning at this time.
Ray may be interested in volunteering and helping out, but is not interested in returning to the board at this time.
8. Adjournment
Ray made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:58 PM.
Pat seconded. All in favor.
Next meeting will be held Tuesday, December 12, 2023 at 7:00 PM on Microsoft Teams.