The meeting was called to order at 7:02pm via Zoom.
All of the board members were present: Fochtman, Styka, Byrd- Daniels, C. Pahl, E. Pahl, Munishamaiah, and Zwier.
3. The minutes of the BHOA Board meeting of July 13, 2021 were approved unanimously.
4. Monica Fochtman indicated that the National Night Out was very successful and praise is due to the Committee headed by Elizabeth Pahl.
Due to the efforts of the BHOA a radar/speed machine was placed on Tamarack and Cimarron.
Committee Reports
A. The treasurer, Kayla Byrd-Daniels, reported that we have $### in savings, $### in checking, and $### in a CD. There are still 11 homeowners who have not paid their dues, for an outstanding balance due of $1,903.62.
B. Publicity/Communications
i Cory Pahl stated that he is still waiting to hear from Wix about the glitch that occurred in the spring in regards to special trash payments.
ii The fall newsletter will be sent out with “current resident” on the address label. Sept.15 is the deadline to add information to the newsletter.
C. Events
i The National Night Out saw more than 240 residents in attendance. Having the event in one place seemed to be more effective. Kona Ice ran out of slushies before the end of the event.
ii There was some discussion on the use of a tent for the picnic. Because we will only need the tent for one weekend, the cost should be about half of what was spent last year.
iii A proposal to have a “Movie in the Park” was tabled for discussion at a later meeting. If accepted it would have to be in the budget for next year.
iv The food trucks have been a great success. Three more are scheduled for this year.
D. Maintenance
i Bids will be taken to landscape both the north and south sides of the Heritage Entrance. They will be presented at the September meeting for approval.
ii The Raleigh Cul-de-Sac will be regraded and a new tree planted. Bids for this will be presented at the September meeting.
iii The sidewalk on the Kinawa through at the east end of Belding Ct. is in need of reinforcing where it lies close to the stream. Efforts will be made to secure bids to remedy this problem.
E. Nominations - at this time no one has come forth to fill the two vacant positions.
F. Welcoming - Items will be ordered for the welcoming kits. Board members volunteered to assemble welcome kits and deliver them to new residents
7. New Business
A. Nature Park Update – The new fence will be installed starting this week.
B. Natural Play Area – Additions have begun, 2 stumps were put in place. Three game tables will be constructed to be put in place by the end of September.
C. Briarwood Park Play Structure – The board voted to budget $20,000.00 to purchase, prepare the ground and install a play structure. Kayla and Elizabeth will spearhead this effort.
D. Briarwood Park Long Term planning - A special meeting will be held at the park. Results of this meeting will be reported at the September meeting.
E. Pathway Lighting Bids - Three bids were received. After discussion it was decided to go with FD Hayes for a bid of $2066.22 for replacing the existing light to LED plus time and material for center pathway lights.
F. LED Speed limit sign on Tamarack – Monica Fochtman reported that she will continue to price out signs for installation on Tamarack.
8. Old Business
A. Pond Pump – Jean Zwier will continue to pursue the issue with the Ingham County Drain Commissioner.
B. She also reported the Leroy Harvey of Meridian Township will investigate capping the well head in the
C. She will also put together a cost list for putting in a permanent water supply to the Briarwood Park Gardening Area.
9. Member Comments
The Board members extended a heartfelt thank you to all the homeowners who helped with the National Night Out. The Board put forth the idea of a volunteer of the year award for future consideration.
ACCE – The homeowner at 3879 Sheldrake submitted a request to side his home. This request was approved. 3-0
The homeowner at 2090 Tamarack, submitted a request for putting up a foot privacy fence. This request was approved. 2-1
10. The meeting was adjourned at 9:01pm.