Minutes of Virtual Meeting held on February 8, 2021
The meeting was called to order by president Josh Newton at 7:04 pm
Board members present were: Newton, Fochtman, Cole, Zwier, Schnepp and Styka
Board member absent: Priest
Josh Newton welcomed all the virtual guests which included:
Ken Gleason
Gus Breyman
Ron Styka
Sheila Brake
Joey Latterman
Cory Pahl
Elizabeth Pahl,
Christyn Partica
Daniel Ertby
Bruce Timmons
Lynne Page
Janet Moore
Kevin Vanderkolk
A. Billings
Alyse Munishamaiah
Victoria Morden
Todd Wilson.
The minutes for the January 12 the meeting were accepted with one corrections. Emil’s electric has not been chosen to do work on the pathway lights. Jean Zweir also reported that resident Wolfe did submit an ACCE application.
The following residents have been chosen to serve on the Briarwood Homeowners Association Board of Directors:
Kayla Bird Daniela
James Cuik
Alyse Munishamaiah
Cory Pahl
Elizabeth Pahl
Todd Wilson
Jean Zweir
(There are 3, three year positions that will end in Feb. of 24, 2, two year positions the will end in Feb. of 23 – (Zwier will also serve until Feb. of 23) and 1, one year term that
will end in Feb. of 22.) Length of service and positions will be determined at the March 9 th meeting.
Josh spoke about the impact of Covid 19. Normal activities such as the tail gate, garage sale, ice cream social and bike parade all had to be cancelled. In addition, other ideas had to be tabled for future discussion, also due to Covid restrictions. Josh motioned that he would like the board to approve a line item in the 2021 budget for improving the entrances at Heritage and Tamarack. The amount to be
$12,000.00. This was seconded by Georgia Styka and unanimously approved.
Ron Styka, Supervisor of Meridian Township gave an interesting powerpoint presentation on the accomplishments of goals for 2020 and the goals for 2021. This was well received by all in attendance.
The next meeting of the board will be March 9. This will be a Zoom meeting. Length of service and board positions will be determined at this meeting.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:00 pm.
Submitted by secretary, Georgia Styka