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March 2023 Meeting Minutes

Updated: Apr 8

Minutes of Briarwood Homeowners Association Monthly Meeting

Tuesday, March 14, 2023

The meeting was called to order 7:05pm

Board members present: Monica Fochtman, Kayla Byrd-Daniels, Tom Davis, Ray Poirier, Jean Zwier

Guests: Gus Breyman, Mindaugas Zukauskas, Joey Latterman, Gordon Spink

New board members: George Platsis, Michael Karagoulis, Patrick Daniels and Kathi Rypkema

This meeting also included served as an Annual Meeting, which was cancelled/postponed due to recent events in the area.

Annual Meeting Presentation: Monica presented 2022 BHOA Year in the Review with powerpoint recapping all of the events and achievements of 2022. Thank you to the HOA board members who are volunteers and the reminder of the goal to keep the neighborhood beautiful. Thank you to neighbors who volunteered and helped with events including Ellen Dohr, a long standing coordinator for Halloween event for years who is no longer in Briarwood and Tina Hill Royle for arranging all of the food trucks.

A Special thanks – Kayla Byrd-Daniels and Elizabeth Pahl for their works on gathering and presenting proposals for new playground structure for the Briarwood park. Also to the Michelle and Mark Szidik and Jean Zwier, co-garden leaders, for community garden work.

The Treasurer provided an Annual Report.

As of March 14, 2023:

Checking: $###

Savings - $###

The CD matured and deposited into savings

2023 Election Results New Members.

Welcome to new board members Patrick Daniels, Michael Karagoulis, George Platsis, and Kathy Rypkema. Monica will re-visit write-in ballots for other potential candidates.

New board officers are:

Ray Poirer, President

Tom Davis, Co-President

Treasurer: Patrick Daniels

Secretary: Monica Fochtman


ACCE: Jean, Tom. George,

Maintenance: Michael Karagoulis

Welcoming: Kathy Rypkema and Jean Zwier

Communications: Monica Fochtman

Events: Still needed

Nominations: Still needed

A big thank you to outgoing board members, Kayla Byrd-Daniels and Elizabeth Pahl.

Monthly Meeting Topics:

HOA dues are still $78/year and haven’t been raised in 20 years. Briarwood is the largest HOA in area with second lowest dues. There was a presentation on how dues are spent using a pie chart. Looking at presentation for expenses for the upcoming 2023 calendar year the dues are keeping pace with cost increases. There were discussions on ways to address increasing dues in the upcoming calendar year. Every 4th year it’s easier to change dues. Discussions regarding way to raise dues, charge assessments, etc. , and the need to keep up with increase in operating costs. Discussion of merging with Briarwood East and charging dues. Needs 2/3 vote of all homeowners.

Discussion about lien processes, costs and when they should be enforced. Should the HOA hire an attorney?

Kathy Rypkema had questions about the playground structure proposals. Discussion and information that community build for structure brings the cost down.

Kathy suggested meeting in person every every other month, and the board agreed. She will find room for April 11 meeting.

Tom would like to discuss moving ACCE request out of committee to the board as a whole.

George Platsis: Asked how many times have we amended the bylaws. They’ve never been amended to peoples’ knowledge. They would need to be re-attached to everyone’s deed.

Guest comments:

Gus Breyerman: Thanks to the board. Recommendation: The new board give a lot of consideration to the relationship between the ACCE committee and the Board itself. He believes the Board should be making decisions in all ACCE approvals.

Second, discontinue the separate fence application. Reason being, for homeowners looking at the application process it appears board is encouraging homeowners to have a fence because of how short the application is.

Kathy motion to adjourned, second by Tom. Adjourned at 9:05pm

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