1. The Zoom meeting was called to order at 7:06 pm.
2. Board members present were: Styka, Fochtman, Zwier, E.Pahl, C.Pahl, Daniels, Ciuk,
Munishamaiah, and Wilson.
Guests present were Andrew Hagman, Gus Breyman, and David Held
3. There was a brief introduction of all the members.
4. Daniels made a motion and Zwier seconded a motion to accept the minutes with the correction that Daniels attended the meeting. The minutes were accepted unanimously with the correction.
5. The following board member were elected to office for one year by unanimous vote:
President – Monica Fochtman
Vice-President – Cory Pahl
Secretary - Georgia Styka
Treasurer – Kayla Byrd Daniels
6. The following board members accepted the responsibility of the following committee positions:
ACCE – Todd Wilson, Alyse Munishamaiah, and Kayla Byrd Daniels
Publicity/Communications -Cory Pahl(web), Elizabeth Pahl/Jean Zwier (newsletter), email (Monica)
Events – Elizabeth Pahl, Jean Zwier
Maintenance – Georgia Styka, Todd Wilson
Nominations – Jim Cuik
Welcoming – Alyse Munishamaiah, Jean Zwier (Georgia will get boxes from Kevin Thatcher. Contents will be improved and updated.)
7. The terms for member will be as follows:
Styka, Fochtman, E. Pahl – terms ends Feb. 22
Wilson, Daniels, Zwier – term ends Feb. 23
Munishamaiah, C,Pahl, Cuik – term ends Feb. 24
8. Old Business
Wilson will get three bids to replace the lights on the pathways with LED lights,
Wilson would like copies of all previous landscape bids for the entrances.
9. New Business
Picking dates for 2021 events was tabled until next month.
The Briarwood Homeowners Association will register for the National Night Out on August 3.
The ACCE request for resident Munishamaiah at 2187 Tamarack to change the color of their home was unanimously approved.
The tree on the Raleigh cul-de-sac needs to be pruned. Styka will investigate to determine if the County or the BHOA is responsible to maintain the tree.
10. Resident Andrew Hagman was present to answer questions about his ACCE request to enlarge his patio, place a 12’ x 20’metal Gazebo over his patio, and move and enlarge his garden in his back/side yard. Wilson made a motion to accept this request. Elizabeth Pahl seconded the motion. It was passed 7 to 2, with Zwier and Munishamaiah dissenting.
11. Gus Breyman suggested that the board publish events as soon as possible.
12. The meeting was adjourned at 9 pm.
Our next meeting is April 13 th at 7pm by Zoom
Submitted by Georgia Styka