Briarwood Homeowners’ Association Monthly Meeting
Tuesday, November 8, 2022
Call to Order
7:18 pm
Roll Call
Monica Fochtman
Ray Poirier
Jean Zwier
Kayla Byrd-Daniels
Approval of Previous Meeting Minutes
September Meetings - Approved
Motion - Alyse Munishmaiah
Seconded - Kayla Byrd-Daniels
October Meetings - No one wanted to vote - these are informal
Committee Reports
Checking - $###
Savings - $###
Outstanding Dues - 14
Expenses - nothing that I know about at this time
Monica will be emailing late November with updates regarding the nominations and friendly reminders.
Newsletter - need content by 11/18/22 - Jean and Kayla will finalize and get it out by the end of November
Halloween Parade Recap
3 sponsors - provided candy, pizza and cider/donuts
About 50 people attended
Just providing candles and sand if needed to create their own luminary vessels
We will hold it 12/24 and it can be done anytime
Sisu contract renewal - forwarded to Monica
Sisu informed us that they do not handle the clean up needed in the recreation park, so far all we have quoting is R&D Landscape
FD Hayes - lighting issues and warranty issues - they put really bright lights because it sounded like they were under the impression that bright lights were needed to prevent vandalism
Beech nut tree in the nature park needs taken down it has a disease - a neighbor (horticulturist from MSU) brought it to our attention, it could get beech snap, could be a safety issue
Received notice from Meridian Township about some sidewalks that will be fixed
Jean Zwier is going to run again
Monica Fochtman- term is up in 2025
Alyse Munishmaiah - term is up in 2024
May not be able to commit to full-time next year due to beginning a doctorate program and new job
Ray Poirier - term is up in 2025
Tom Davis - term is up in 2023
Kayla Byrd-Daniels - term is up in 2023
Elizabeth Pahl - term is up in 2024
She is stepping down
Meeting quarterly could be an option to consider.
Monica needs to know by 11/18/22 for who is re-running
Ray says he has handed out about 25 packets.
Campers need to be addressed still
New Business/Discussion
Jean brought up the idea of leaf pick up throughout the neighborhood, as a reason to increase dues.
Discussed providing neighbors the option to opt into electronic only dues notices and newsletters.
Old Business
Pond Pump (Jean)
No updates
Member Comments
Motion - Jean
Second - Alyse
Approved at 8:32 pm