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August 2022 Meeting Minutes

Updated: Apr 8

Briarwood Homeowners’ Association Monthly Meeting

Tuesday, August 9, 2022


  1. Call to Order - 7:12pm

  1. Roll Call: Alyse Munishamaiah, Monica Fochtman, Tom Davis, Ray Poirer, Elizabeth Pahl, Jean Zwier. Absent: Kayla Byrd-Daniels

  1. Approval of Previous Meeting Minutes - April Minutes Approved; July Minutes Alyse motioned to approve, Elizabeth seconded, unanimous pass

  1. Announcements - None

  1. Committee Reports

    1. President

      1. Thank you everyone for NNO help!

      2. July meeting apology

    2. Treasurer

      1. Checking - $###

      2. Savings - $###

      3. CD - $### (scheduled to renew 8/14, Monica to get with Kayla to ensure it does NOT renew in order to have those funds accessible)

      4. Outstanding Dues - 22 homes have outstanding dues

      5. Expenses - About $15K in expenses left this fiscal year, there is approximately $65K in hand after expenses (not including the CD)

        1. Review Community Garden funds in vs out, expenses and earmarked funds for garden related expenses

    3. Publicity/Communications

      1. Monica sent out NNO ice cream social electronically; will be sending a picnic and Halloween communication electronically as well

    4. Events

      1. NNO Ice Cream Social Recap

        1. Plan for 250 scoops of ice cream for 2023

        2. Photos on Meridian Township Flickr Page

        3. Online event sign-in was a positive experience

        4. Feedback - explore nondairy alternative to popsicles

      2. Budget Updates - On target for events, $6 over for the yard sale event due to extra signage needed because of construction

      3. Upcoming Food Trucks- 8/23 (Nom Nom Ninja), 9/1 (Krystal’s Kitchen)

      4. Need for Volunteers

        1. Picnic- 9/17 (Alyse to pick up and deliver food/cake)

        2. Halloween- 10/31 (Elizabeth unavailable due to pregnancy/delivery; needs someone to take the lead but some people willing to help with the event; if no one steps up to lead by October 1st, it will be canceled. Announcement will be made in newsletter.)

    5. Maintenance

      1. Update on Raleigh Tree -

        1. Dead, needs replacing. Exploring alternative drought resistant varieties. Alyse to provide irrigation bag, Raleigh neighbors being asked to fill the bag filled 1-2x per week.

      2. Tree Branch Fallen at Heritage Entrance -

        1. Fell on the north side of the entrance, no damage to structures/vehicles. Just needs cut up/haul away. Jean to check with contact who may want it for firewood. If they do not want it, SISU/R&D to be contacted.

      3. Pathway Lights

        1. Light strobing; FD Hayes to be contacted week of 8/9 regarding repair, as well as the 6th light fixture on the pathway nearest to Kinawa which still needs updating/repair.

      4. Updates on limestone pathway in Nature Park

        1. Budgeted $1,000 for the project, but won’t take anywhere near that much. (1) 5lb bag is $5.28.

      5. Updates on concrete sidewalk on eastern most pathway

        1. Monica contacted Hossford Brothers regarding removing/leveling/replacing the slab. They are not giving estimates until fall 2022 and work won’t begin until spring 2023. To be added to budget for 2023; current concrete is not dangerous and can wait until that time.

      6. Recreation park maintenance projects

        1. Alyse & Kayla working with R&D to get updated estimate and ensure all projects are reflected in estimate. Other landscape companies not able to come out to give estimates until late fall and/or do not do that type of work (only mowing/light trimming).

    6. Nominations

      1. Vacancies - Several neighbors inquired about joining the board at NNO. Monica to follow up.

  1. Welcoming

    1. Materials Handoff - Ray has materials and to update spreadsheet as welcomes are done. Cory Pahl to make new QR code specific to welcoming re: preferred name, contact info, etc.

  1. ACCE

    1. 2237 Heritage - Very responsive owners, removed the pool within a pool; homeowner have contacted every pool contractor within 50 miles and all are running on a 2 year delay.

    2. Tom to join ACCE committee, Elizabeth moving off committee.

  1. New Business/Discussion

  2. Speed Bumps

    1. Several neighbors on Tamarack, Heritage and Breckenridge (Briarwood East) increasingly concerned about speeding. Would like to explore speed bumps as the radar, requesting additional officers, signs etc have been ineffective. HOA approval not needed but support would be helpful, add info into newsletter. Alternatives being explored: permanent speed radar to attach to speed limit sign.

  1. Meeting Length

    1. Review minutes BEFORE meeting, not during; only points of correction/clarification

    2. Committee reports/summaries sent in advance to allow for prior meeting review, general questions/points of clarity in advance

    3. Monica to send the minutes of the prior month meeting 7 days in advance; committee summaries to be sent to HOA 7 days in advance; implement HOA Board group text

  1. Sign Replacement

    1. Kayla and Alyse working on wording and placement of signs (nature park, rec park, pathways, play structure, etc); double sided vs single sided; Jean to get input from gardeners and Garden Project, considering memorializing Ron Styka somehow in the garden area.

  1. Recreation Park Play Equipment Proposal

    1. Kayla and Elizabeth worked to put together 3 Options of varying styles of play structures, swings, benches in different price points, volunteer needs, ongoing maintenance costs and warranty programs.

    2. See attached proposal for specific details on each option. Board Members to review draft proposal and reply to Kayla/Elizabeth with questions, thoughts, ideas, etc. Aiming for October at the latest for final vote in order to schedule install/finances.

  1. Old Business

    1. Pond Pump (Jean) - No updates on pump; treatment signs scanned and updated into GDrive

  1. Member Comments

    1. None - Gus had to leave, indicated he’d send message re: ACCE fence request form

    2. Thanks to Tom for helping put up shelves in the shed.

    3. Tom proposed discussion of adjusting dues given the scale of updates/maintenance/projects needed and inflation.

Adjourn motion: Alyse motions to adjourn; Tom seconds8:54pm

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