1. Call to Order
Ray called to order at 7:10 PM.
Ray, Tom, Jean, and Pat were online at 7:00, but we needed quorum to “officially” start.
Quick discussion prior to the start of the meeting on requirements for the special assessment (playscape) process. Pat sent an email November 15, 2023 with the applicable bylaws and covenants.
The process can be split into four points:
There must be a meeting called, meaning the proposal must be presented and voted on during a monthly meeting or at a special meeting.
The proposal will be presented at the Annual Meeting on February 13, 2024 at 7:00 PM.
Notice of the meeting, including its purpose, must go out at least 30 days in advance.
Notice of the presentation went out with dues December 13. 2023. (Online dues payments started December 15, 2023.)
Quorum initially constitutes 60% of members (243, 60% of 407), then decreases by half each subsequent meeting.
Second meeting has a quorum of 122, the third is 61, and so on and so forth… (There is no minimum stated.)
Members represented by proxy (and votes cast via proxy) must be taken into consideration.
There is no language barring electronic proxy/votes - and there is no language barring an individual from acting as proxy for more than one individual.
If members should designate the board as their proxy for this matter, acquiescing and voting by mail, email, or some other electronic means, a meeting is still required, but members voting via proxy are counted as present via proxy (and would be counted toward quorum).
The special assessment must pass by 3/4 vote of members present (when quorum is met) and must be collected/used that year.
For example, if a quorum of 243 occurs during the first meeting, there must be 183 votes for the proposal (75%). If a quorum of 122 occurs during the second meeting, there must be 92 votes for the proposal (75%).
Pat agreed to take minutes tonight.
2. Roll Call
Six present (quorum met)
Ray (President)
Tom (Vice President)
Pat (Treasurer)
One absent
3. Approval of Previous Meeting Minutes
Pat noted November minutes were forwarded this afternoon. (No quorum for December.)
Tom moved to approve. Ray seconded. All in approval.
4. Officer/Committee Reports
Maintenance - Mike and Pat
Storm clean-up
Fallen branches and limbs from August storm cleared from Briarwood Nature Park in December (approved in November). Amounted about 32 cubic yards, cut, loaded, and hauled away for $1200.
Light on Tamarack
Fixture. Currently have 3/4 bulbs working. (Will need to watch/fix soon.)
Sandlewood lights
Replaced photo eye sensor.
Pat noted he has the reimbursement check written. Just needs to remember to drop it off.
Lawn/snow contract
Contract was shared via email, but Mike needs to know proper procedures for review and approval.
Pat moved to extend/approve Sisu’s contract current through March 31, 2024.
No objections. All in agreement.
Ray proposed “special authority” (one time) for Mike to sign on board’s behalf, since he has the contract on hand. All in agreement.
Yard lights
There are many street lights/lamps out throughout the neighborhood. Pat agreed; very noticeable (meaning very dark) when walking in early morning and evening hours.
Mike and Ray were in agreement that this will be an issue for the “next board” to tackle. Pat noted that this could be a good topic for discussion at the annual meeting next month.
Negligent yards/lawns
Mike asked for language within bylaws and covenants that call for yard maintenance.
Pat offered to review and pull language this week. (Update: Emailed language to board 1/10.)
Encroachment along footpaths
Paths at Belding/Binghampton and west of Belding/Sandlewood (unlit path).
20 ft. clearance required for safety and maintenance.
We may need to check with homeowners for easement information or permission granted by (past) board.
New Salem walkway
Similar issue discussed in November.
Jean requested these matters be documented in this month’s minutes so we can be sure to address this as “old business” at the annual meeting and/or with the next board.
Pat agreed to write up a summary of the past few discussions.
Nominations/Elections - Pat and Jean
Pat and Jean are tentatively meeting the weekend of January 20 to tally ballots.
Tom questioned how many members are needed for quorum and how many new board members are on the ballot - as the only confirmed returning board members at this time are Mike, George, and Pat through February 2026.
Pat noted that Jean (February 2025) and Kristen (February 2027) were on the ballot.
Pat also noted that his wife, Kayla Byrd-Daniels, had written her name down for a one-year term. Mike mentioned that Lynne Page and Jim Rypkema had expressed interest in potentially returning to the board. (Pat noted that, while we may have more one-year terms than typically allowed or sought, we need bodies on the board.)
There was a question concerning quorum if we do not have nine members on the board.
The bylaws do not take less than nine members into consideration (there is no simple majority or percentage stated); there must be a minimum of five board members to make quorum.
No report.
Vice President
No report.
Account balances $###
Checking $###
Savings $###
Current balances are pending after moving money from PayPal ($2,028.00) and QuickBooks ($7,127.17) to our 5/3 checking account.
Pat is still picking up mail. After speaking with Jean, he will be opening envelopes that were not part of the mailing in order to pull and deposit checks. (Dues checks were not to accompany ballots.)
Events - Pat
No report.
ACCE - Tom, Jean, and George
No report.
Welcoming - Jean
No report.
5. Adjournment
Lost quorum after Kristen and Mike had to leave @ 7:30 (which we knew was going to happen).
Ray made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:35 PM.
Pat seconded. All in favor.
Next meeting (the annual meeting) will be held Tuesday, February 13, 2024 at 7:00 PM on Microsoft Teams.