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July 2022 Meeting Minutes

Briarwood HOA

Updated: Apr 8, 2024

Briarwood Homeowners’ Association Monthly Meeting

Tuesday, July 12, 2022


  1. Call to Order

  1. Roll Call: Present: Kayla Byrd-Daniels, Jean Zwier, Tom Davis, Elizabeth Pahl,

Monica Fochtman, Raymond Poirer

Absent: Alysse Munishamaiah,

  1. Approval of Old Minutes April and May Minutes need approval. No meeting held in June so no June Minutes.

  1. Announcements Accolades from Jim Rypkema to Kayla for work on the removal of trailers and RVs in the neighborhood.

Elizabeth may not be available to be on events beginning in October, and will need help with the Halloween event.

  1. Committee Reports

    1. President

      1. Thank you to Georgia Styka and Jim Rypkema for their service on the Board.

      2. Welcome to Tom Davis on joining the Board.

    2. Treasurer

      1. Checking $###

      2. Savings $###

      3. CD $###, expires in August, not to be renewed.

Increase in maintenance mowing charges due to additional fuel expenses and surcharge. Mowed 5 times in May instead of 4, so an additional fee of approximately $500/month charge. Need to keep an eye on this expense.

  1. Outstanding Dues

25 outstanding due payments, three people owe for previous years as well. Good response to the 2nd past dues notice, some were returned undeliverable. Large improvement from last report of 50-60 outstanding dues. Monica and Kayla both have PO box keys and will possibly share responsibility of checking PO Box.

One reason for not renewing CD is that for tax reporting for 1120H as an HOA we’re not meant to be an investment group we’re meant to be fiduciaries.

  1. Publicity/Communications

Elizabeth did a great job on the spring newsletter, lots of good comments. Paper Image had trouble with the newsletter formatting, so it went out a little later than wanted.

  1. Events

First event of the year, the Garage sale went really well, over 22 participants. Granger large trash pick up went down to only 12 residents, not sure about the reason for this. Possibly because payments were due a week earlier than last year.

  1. Upcoming Food Trucks There are been 3 problems with food trucks. Tina Royle will be asked to check with them a week in advance.

  2. National Night Out Ice Cream Social - Board members are encouraged to attend, or help with some things for set up in advance. Will send an email out for Board volunteering to sign up. Tuesday, August 2nd at 5:00 – 8pm @ pond. Monica will ask Officer Adam Slavik about road barriers for this year.

  3. Maintenance

    1. Garden Update

Permanent water line has been installed. The township has waived $2500 in fees in support of a community garden. The township has approached the garden leaders about creating a memorial for Ron Styka and waiving all of their fees which would total around $5000. Waiting to hear from Georgia Styka about her preferences. The water line is metered at the price of $10/1000 gallons. The garden plot fees should cover this. Beginning to raise money for a permanent fence.

  1. Recreation Park Playground. Elizabeth & Kayla met to discuss the playground and discussed other options. Budget is $20,000. They’re looking at 30-40k total to install and have mulch.

  2. Kayla reached out to Backyard Fund Zone for another request. They sell both metal and wood, and they promote their wood products because they’re easier for installation. Doesn’t require concrete installation, but there is ongoing maintenance – need to be sealed/stained every so many years. Cost for Backyard Fun Zone to stain/seal is about $1000/time. Power washed and stained. Metal structures should also be safety-checked, etc. No freight charge for wooden structures.

Other playground would be community build.

Elizabeth and Kayla to put a proposal together and provide information about what types of play structures are available at different price points.

  1. Nominations

    1. Vacancy – 2 vacancies

  2. Welcoming

    1. Materials Handoff . Ray to arrange to collect welcoming materials from Alysse.

  3. ACCE

    1. 1800 Yosemite Dr. - House Paint - Approved

    2. 3901 Roxbury Ave. - House Paint - Approved

    3. 3925 Binghamton Ave. - Hot Tub and Deck Expansion – Approved

    4. With Jim Rypkema’s departure, committee now consists of Kayla, Elizabeth, Ray, Alysse and Jean

  1. New Business/Discussion

  2. Campers – have been complaints/feedback about campers. Some have not been removed. Suggestion to use possibly use previously discussed fines.

  3. Accessory Buildings/Sheds – Guidelines need review

  4. Pools – request meridian township to intervene

  5. Sign Replacement – Kayla requests $500 for sign replacements. Kayla presented proposed signs and prices. Vote tabled to next meeting. Pond will come off of proposal.

Suggestion to use previously drawn up fee penalties as used previously for boat in a driveway. Discuss using the same process for campers.

ACCE committee to meet and discuss proposed guidelines

  1. Old Business

    1. Pond Pump (Jean). Pond treatment notifications picked up and will be added to Maintenance folder in google drive.

    2. Nature Park (Elizabeth) Just about finished, neighbor finishing game tables should be done this month. Path is already lime stoned, resident complained about limestone. Adding to existing limestone, so might need less – possibly just a couple of yards to fill holes. Tom could use his truck to transport from Hammon Farms of 100 acre woods.

  1. Member Comments

  1. Adjourn

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