Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 7:05 pm. Members present were Fochtman, Styka, Zwier, Byrd-Daniels, and Munishamaiah. Cory and Elizabeth Pahl were absent. Guests attending through Zoom included Kevin VanderKolk, Diane Galbraith, David Austen, Steve Thomas, Emily Backus, Samuel Nadarajan, and Maria Molina.
Minutes The minutes of the September's meeting were amended by Jean Zwier. The amended minutes were approved by a 5 to 0 vote.
President Monica Fochtman reminded all present that Facebook is not an official BHOA page. Official communication is sent out and placed on the BHOA website, and or sent out in the Newsletter by Monica.
Treasurer Kayla Byrd-Daniels reported that the BHOA has $### in the checking account, $### in our savings account, and $### in the CD. Records indicate that an invoice for work done by Blue Ridge for the summer has not been received as to date.
Events A re-cap was given on the Picnic. We had a large turnout. Food ran out about 5:30. It was recommended that we look for another place to rent the tent from next year. More resident volunteers are needed to run this and other events.
The Halloween Bike Parade will be held on October 31st.
Food truck events have been well attended. Dates are posted on the BHOA website.
The BHOA will again sponsor luminaries this coming December. Monica asked for a board member to volunteer to spearhead this event.
Maintenance The pathway lights on the middle pathway have been replaced with LED lights. The Pathway lights at the East end will soon be replaced. This work is being done by F.D. Hayes Electric.
Brief discussion about maintenance of light at Briarwood Recreation Park. No action was taken.
The Heritage Entrance clean up and redesign has been completed.
The Raleigh cul-de-sac has been completed.
Nominations As to date no resident has come forth and indicated an interest in filling vacant positions on the BHOA board. There will be a call for members to apply to fill vacant positions. Ballot information is included in Dues information.
Welcoming All the materials for the welcoming kits have arrived. They will be distributed to new residents in November.
ACCE Two requests were approved 3904 Raleigh Dr. – 4 ft. picket fence; 3849 Hemingway – New vinyl siding
New Business Review of shed and fence guidelines was tabled until the next meeting
Old Business Jean Zwier reported that the Ingham County Water/Sewer has had the pond treated by EGLE.
Member Comments The floor was opened to the public. Many comments were heard concerning the Nature Park. The Board listened attentively to the concerns of these Briarwood Residents. Monica Fochtman assured the residents that absolutely no effort by the board was made to cut down trees or groom the park in any way. Residents that have been voluntarily removing dead tree limbs will be discouraged from doing so in future. Use of the park is encouraged. The Board reiterated their approval of plans for use of the park approved of in June. It was suggested that residents who live near areas of concern be notified if there are changes in those areas.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:14.